[sos-devel] Writing sos plugin for SQL Server on Linux

Bryn M. Reeves bmr at redhat.com
Thu May 24 12:43:57 UTC 2018

On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 01:03:16PM +0200, Pavel Moravec wrote:
> Creating PR directly is IMHO fine, you can get better feedback there
> pinpointing to particular lines etc. - a code review is better to be done
> in github PR than via mail.

We allow either ;)

Personally, I'm a bit sad that everything has shifted to GitHub,
because I think that email provides a more natural format to have
a conversation: no vanishing diffs, no "outdated comments".. just
good ol' fashioned email.
> - instead of pure URL with mssql.conf format, it is (also) worth explaining
> what the further code performs

I'm not sure the URL is actually all that useful here; it's an INI
file from which we want to obtain two keys.

If anything just a brief comment explaining those two keys would
seem sufficient.


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