[Spacewalk-list] register systems

m.roth2006 at rcn.com m.roth2006 at rcn.com
Tue Feb 17 22:48:01 UTC 2009


>Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 17:33:15 -0500
>From: Máirín Duffy <duffy at redhat.com>  
>Hopefully this doesn't come off of overly harsh, I mean for
>it to be helpful:
>This project, this list, and the people involved with it are
>not here for your amusement. It seems that you are running
>into problems that I've been unable to identify anyone else
>having run into. A lot of time, effort, and goodwill has
>been expended on the parts of many people to try to assist
>you through your usage of Spacewalk, and yet you still seem
>to be struggling.
>There are a lot more complex setups, architectures, and
>potential issues one could run into, and if this is your
>reaction to simple, basic usage of the product (which again,
>I cannot identify anyone else having these issues) then I
>worry about your experience if you dive into more advanced
>usage of the project.
>It seems clear to me though, that Spacewalk is likely *not*
>the right approach for you. This list is not an official

Let me respond in the same way: first, I DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE whether to use spacewalk - that's my manager's call, and he told me to use it. Had I had a choice, I would have stopped bothering y'all weeks ago.

Second, I understand you're not hearing problems from other folks... but I feel like I followed the published docs, and what I think I'm supposed to be able to do doesn't work. 

I've got a number of years experience as a sysadmin, and more as a programmer, on a number of unices (and elsewhere), and if I see errors in the logfiles, I figure something is broken, and so as not to bother others, I try to fix it as best I can. I'm doing that as a last resort, not as the first thing I do. I search the web, and try to find answers. When I can't, I ask here. 

After all the grief I've had, do you have any wonder that I'm frustrated, esp. since my manager wants me to finish up, so that he can put me on the next project, and I *badly* want that, since the only chance I have of *maybe* getting my contract renewed is by getting done what's assigned to me?

How would *you* feel, had you had all my problems? Would you not be irritated and stressed?

And I *have* tried to give back - I posted the sed command, and tried to help Steve with his problem. 

But what *am* I supposed to do, other than what I've done?


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