[Spacewalk-list] Still having problems registering a client

m.roth2006 at rcn.com m.roth2006 at rcn.com
Fri Feb 27 20:25:53 UTC 2009

I've just tried reregistering, after deleting the system, and putting selinux on the ->client<- system into permissive mode. On the server, it's disabled, and that's a straight 'Net install of CentOS 5.2.

I've been looking at the logs, and one thing catches my eye: obviously, there's *some* connection to oracle, since the system *does* show up; however, the failure that shows up in /var/log/thn/rhn_server_xmlrpc.log is 
a) a registration welcome message
b) an error that connection to Oracle is lost
c) it puts the information for the system in, and that goes in,
     demonstrably, since it shows up
d) then it tries to enter the installed packages, and that's 
     where it fails, and fails for all five tries.

It makes no sense to me for the data to go into one set of tables (the system info), but not another (the package info). It seems unlikely that it's all the d/b connection failing, since the first info goes in. I *really* don't want to have to go looking at the source code, but if someone could point me to a file that I *can* access without having to recompile (I think that's the case, since I think this part is perl), I'd like to put in debugging statements to see what the actual sql statement is that it's trying to prepare, and see if there's something odd with it.

>From the log:
2009/02/27 14:10:01 -05:00 15820 <client IP>: xmlrpc/registration.add_packages(1000010011, 'packages: 425')
2009/02/27 14:10:11 -05:00 15556 <client IP>: rhnSQL/driver_cx_Oracle.check_connection('ERROR', "DATABASE CONNECTION TO 'XE' LOST", "Exception information: ('Can not prepare statement', (3114, 'ORA-03114: not connected to ORACLE', ''))")
2009/02/27 14:10:11 -05:00 15556 <client IP>: rhnSQL/driver_cx_Oracle.connect('Connecting to database', 'XE')


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