[Spacewalk-list] Any way to lessen WEB TRACEBACK Messages

Mike McCune mmccune at redhat.com
Wed Sep 2 02:00:15 UTC 2009

On 09/01/2009 12:07 PM, Mike Hanby wrote:
> Howdy,
> I had a situation this weekend where the OracleXE recovery ran out of space (had it set to 10G).
> The spacewalk server reacted by spamming me with TRACEBACK emails literally multiple emails a second. Luckily I glanced at my phone and noticed that my inbox had over 2000 new messages and I was able to log in and 'rhn-satellite stop' to stop the flood before my mail server admin locked my inbox.
> Is there any way to limit the amount of email that the SW server will send? Obviously there's a problem, but thousands of emails in a very short period of time introduces its own set of problems.  A single email indicating a problem connecting to Oracle would be sufficient :-)
> If it isn't possible currently, is this worthy of a bugzilla request?

Can always send all the traceback email to nobody at localhost and setting 
nobody to go to /dev/null by configuring:

traceback_mail = rhn-traffic at redhat.com

in /etc/rhn/rhn.conf to

traceback_mail = nobody at localhost

and mucking with your /etc/aliases file.

Once you change the email address and restart all the Spacewalk services 
it should be black-holed.

As far as configurable settings beyond where the mail goes to .. that 
would need to be a bugzilla/feature request :)

Mike McCune
mmccune AT redhat.com
Red Hat Engineering       | Portland, OR
Systems Management        | 650.254.4248

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