[Spacewalk-list] Spacewalk 1.2 : osad+jabberd with STAR certificates

Jonathan jr at outboxtechnology.com
Thu Dec 2 19:32:40 UTC 2010

Hello everyone,

I am trying to configure spacewalk using a certificate using the
*.outboxtechnology.com format, which is obviously not the fqdn of the
machine. Therefore osa-dispatcher complains with the following error :

raise SSLVerifyError("Mismatch: peer name: %s; common name: %s"
%\nSSLVerifyError: Mismatch: peer name:
p1msvr0pl012.outboxtechnology.com; common name: *.outboxtechnology.com.\n')

I have followed the procedure documented at :

As of now, only cobbler isn't happy with this certificate Since our
company insists on using valid certificate from a known CA, I am
struggling to make this system work...

Is there a way to make osa-dispatcher coexist with this particular setup ?

Thanks for your help


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