[Spacewalk-list] PostgreSQL max_connections Setting Question

Jeremy Davis jdavis4102 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 23:46:41 UTC 2012

Hello List,

I currently have a Spacewalk 1.8 installation with PostgreSQL 9.1. I am
looking at ways to optimize this setup and was looking a the connection
setting. In the documentation it states to set the max_connections to 600 (
https://fedorahosted.org/spacewalk/wiki/PostgreSQLServerSetup). Why is that
set this way? I have been doing some monitoring of Spacewalk and it hasn't
gone above like 200 connections (select count(*) from pg_stat_activity).
IIRC Postgres splits resources for each connection you have to PostgreSQL.
If these connections actually splits the resources available then that
would mean that we are cutting out a lot of resources that could be gained
by lowering the max_connections.

If the 600 is set high and able to be changed would setting this to like
300 cause any issues? I have about 20 proxy servers with about 8000
machines total connecting to those different 20 proxy servers. Based on
those numbers what would your recommendation be for setting PostgreSQL
max_connections setting. Thank you for your time and have a great day!

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