[Spacewalk-list] cert. & channel questions w. Spacewalk 1.7

David Winters winters+ at cs.cmu.edu
Fri Jun 8 19:22:46 UTC 2012

I'm bringing up a Spacewalk 1.7 server to compare to my Satellite 5.4.1 server; almost all my clients are RHEL6 (Workstation and Server), with a handful of RHEL5.  I apologize if some of these questions seems really basic but I'm not a super-expert on Satellite.

1. Entitlement Certificates for RHEL channels -- as I understand it, one should have been created and activated, but I want to ask if I perhaps broke it.  In Admin - Spacewalk Configuration - Certificate, none are listed.  The command 

rhn-satellite-activate --sanity-only \

ran without errors -- or any other output.  I uploaded this file to the WebUI on that page, and I haven't see any changes when looking through the WebUI.

2. I uploaded that cert because I saw that that page in the WebUI didn't list one, after misinterpreting an error when trying to create a parent channel that uses the same values as a parent channel on my satellite server:

Name:    Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation (v. 6 for x86_64) 
Label:   rhel-x86_64-workstation-6 
Summary: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation (v. 6 for 64-bit AMD64 / Intel64)
GPG URL: file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release

I got the error, "Red Hat channels require admin privileges" and jumped back to upload that certificate.  When I got the error again I did what I should have done in the first place: Search.  A little searching found the answer: Replace "Red Hat Enterprise Linux" with "RHEL" in the Name and Summary.  The channel created happily after that.

But the question remains... did I break the automatically created certificate by uploading /usr/share/spacewalk/setup/spacewalk-public.cert?  This channel's provider is listed as "Spacewalk Default Organization" instead of "Red Hat, Inc." as it is on my satellite.

3. I tried to populate this channel using

spacewalk-repo-sync --channel=rhel-x86_64-workstation-6 

but received the response, "Channel has no URL associated".  Do RH channels behave differently with this command, than other channels?  I expected to be able to use it to populate/update individual channels, and later on add 'spacewalk-repo-sync' by itself to my /etc/crontab, just as 'satellite-sync' in my Satellite's /etc/crontab updates all of my RH channels.

I've been able to populate my atrpms, epel, etc., channels just fine.



David Winters

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