[Spacewalk-list] Problems installing Spacewalk 1.8 on CentOS 6.3

Paul Raines raines at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Tue Jan 15 17:05:17 UTC 2013

We are trying to install Spacewalk 1.8 on a freshly installed CentOS 6.3 VM
following the directions at


We first ran into lots of problems related to PostgreSQL.  We created a 
spacewalk user in Postgresql along with a spacewalkdb database.The 
spacewalk-setup would simply fail with "Could not populate database.". 
Finally figured out where postgresql was putting its log file and found
in it the line

ERROR:  permission denied for language c

After googling that I figured out I had to do


to get past that error.  After trying the setup again, it failed again with

ERROR:  language "plpgsql" does not exist

So then I did a

    createlang "plpgsql" spacewalkdb

to fix that.  Setup failed again because the database was half made and
I had to rerun with the --clear-db flag.  At that point I got past all
my Postgresql troubles.  But the above should really be added to the webpage
in the "PostgreSQL Pre-Requisites" section.

Anyway, the setup got to "Restarting services." and sat there thinking for
a long, long time before finallying failing with:

Tomcat failed to start properly or the installer ran out of tries.  Please 
check /var/log/tomcat*/catalina.out for errors.

So in that file I find:

SEVERE: Error deploying web application directory rhn
java.lang.IllegalStateException: ContainerBase.addChild: start: 
LifecycleException:  start: :  java.io.IOException: Failed to access resource 

I am pretty much at a total loss to figure out this one.  One thing I can
guess is that the 'antlr' spacewalk wants/expects to be installed is not
installed because of what this 'yum list' results shows to me

Installed Packages
ant-antlr.x86_64                        1.7.1-13.el6  @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3
antlr.x86_64                            2.7.7-6.5.el6 @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3
Available Packages
ant-antlr.noarch                        1.7.1-7.jpp5  jpackage-generic
antlr.noarch                            2.7.6-6.jpp5  jpackage-generic
antlr-javadoc.noarch                    2.7.6-6.jpp5  jpackage-generic
antlr-javadoc.x86_64                    2.7.7-6.5.el6 base
antlr-jedit.noarch                      2.7.6-6.jpp5  jpackage-generic
antlr-manual.noarch                     2.7.6-6.jpp5  jpackage-generic
antlr-manual.x86_64                     2.7.7-6.5.el6 base
antlr-repolib.noarch                    2.7.6-6.jpp5  jpackage-generic
jakarta-commons-jelly-tags-antlr.noarch 1.0-6.jpp5    jpackage-generic
maven-plugin-antlr.noarch               1.1-7.jpp5    jpackage-generic
mojo-maven2-plugin-antlr.noarch         17-5.jpp5     jpackage-generic

Looks like some newer version from the CentOS repo itself is installed
rather than the one from the jpackage repo.

Any suggestions on what really is wrong and how to fix it?

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