[Spacewalk-list] Using mrepo with Spacewalk 1.8

Paul Brunck Paul.Brunck at healthlanguage.com
Tue Jan 22 18:21:54 UTC 2013

I'm attempting to install Spacewalk 1.8 with mrepo and create a mirror of RHEL 5&6 packages to use for frequently spun up development VMs. There are several guides that indicate I should use mrepo with gensystemid to register individual repositories as systems on RHN and then use the entitlements granted to my rhel systems. However gensystemid fails because /usr/share/rhn/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT is not present. It's not clear to me where I get this cert, whether it is included with an official rhel install, or if it is pulled in after using rhn_register, or if this the "key" per se that you purchase with the Satellite product that allows you to mirror?  Thank you in advance for any help.

Paul Brunck
Health Language, Inc.
System Administrator

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