[Spacewalk-list] rhnreg_ks does not subscribe a client to a channel

Brian Millett bmillett at gmail.com
Fri Sep 27 13:13:29 UTC 2013

I've instlled spacewalk-2.0 and have populated it with channels for oracle.
When I try to register a client, I get the following results.

rhnreg_ks --force --serverUrl=http://<HOSTNAME>/XMLRPC --activationkey=1-oraclelinux6-x86_64
This system is not subscribed to any channels. 
RHN channel support will be disabled.

The activation key is correct.  
The channel exists and has packages.
I can go into the GUI, change the base channel to what it needs to be, ping
the systems and can push updated down to the client.

All appears to be working great, just the subscribing to a channel does not

Where should I look to see what is going on?

Brian Millett
"He's probably the only true seeker we have."
'Then perhaps you do not know yourself as well as you think.'
   -- [ Sinclair and Delenn, "Grail"]

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