[Spacewalk-list] Spacewalk-Repo for a RHEL-Client ?

roberto.quagliozzi at ubs.com roberto.quagliozzi at ubs.com
Mon Feb 10 11:30:45 UTC 2014

Worth noting that you can't have a client subscribed to both RHN Hosted and a Spacewalk/Satellite instance at the same time, so you will lose the RHN Hosted reg when you subscribe to the Spacewalk box.

If you want to keep the registration to RHN Hosted, you'll need to :

·         export the RPMs from the channel to a dir (use spacecmd or the API for the list of latest available packages in the channel and then use locate to find them on the filesystem, or find the path through the API and prefix it with your mountpoint)

·         run createrepo over the exported dir

·         ensure that dir above can be seen by httpd on your Spacewalk box

·         Create the repofile on your client pointing to the above http link you just created…


From: spacewalk-list-bounces at redhat.com [mailto:spacewalk-list-bounces at redhat.com] On Behalf Of kishore kumar
Sent: 10 February 2014 11:28
To: spacewalk-list at redhat.com
Subject: Re: [Spacewalk-list] Spacewalk-Repo for a RHEL-Client ?

The spacewalk-client must be subscribed to the channel. do spacewalk-channel --list from the client, it wil list out all the channels the client is subscribed to.

spacewalk-channel -L   will list out all the available channels.

You can add channels to your client using spacewalk-channel -a -c <channelname> -u <userid> -p <pasword>

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 10:17 AM, Jakl Stefan <Stefan.Jakl at wuerth-itensis.com<mailto:Stefan.Jakl at wuerth-itensis.com>> wrote:

I've got a Spacewalk 2.0 running in my environment.
Now I've got several RHEL (not CentOS !) clients, which are registered to the RHN of RH.

On the Spacewalk-Server, I've created a Child-Channel called "webfiles" under my Parent-Channel "CentOS-6- x86_64", where I've got my own builded rpm's.

I tried to create a repo-file whitin my yum.repos.d-folder on the RHEL-Client, but it didn't work.

My question is :
How can I use the "CentOS-6- x86_64/webfiles" - Channel from my RHEL's so that "yum update webfile-pkg" would work ?

Does any of you have an idea ?

Stefan Jakl
Linux Engineer

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