[Spacewalk-list] Spacewalk for both RHEL 6.x and OUL 6.x - Possible?

Avi Miller avi.miller at oracle.com
Wed Sep 3 21:33:46 UTC 2014


On 4 Sep 2014, at 7:14 am, Franky Van Liedekerke <liedekef at telenet.be> wrote:

> Spacewalk + mrepo works just fine to get Redhat updates into spacewalk.

Sure, but that requires duplication of content to a degree, i.e. RHN is mirrored by mrepo and then pushed/synced into Spacewalk. If you're happy with this setup, you could absolutely use mrepo to sync the Oracle sources as well.

I actually submitted a pull request to add ULN support to mrepo[1], but it hasn't been accepted yet. I'm not sure any further development is being done on mrepo.

However, mrepo is not capable of syncing errata information, so I would recommend syncing the Oracle repos directly from ULN or public-yum.oracle.com to simplify the consumption of errata information directly from Oracle.


[1] https://github.com/dagwieers/mrepo/pull/61

Oracle <http://www.oracle.com>
Avi Miller | Product Management Director | +61 (3) 8616 3496
Oracle Linux and Virtualization
417 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, Victoria 3004 Australia

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