[Spacewalk-list] Building Spacewalk With a DNS Alias for Failover

William H. ten Bensel WHTENBEN at up.com
Fri Feb 17 22:34:04 UTC 2017

Not crazy at ALL, that is what I do+.   Hopefully this brain dump will 

GOTCHA's ..... If you are using ISS to sync other Spacewalks... You have 
to put BOTH failoverhost.network.com and primaryhost.network.com in the 
list!  Spacewalk does not associate ALIAS to connecting server.  It only 
allows one name for connecting server and does not do a DNS look up to see 
if the ALIAS listed matches the connecting server.

Background...  I have an SLA of 99.9+.  So, up time and recovery are 
critical.  I support multiple spacewalks and use this logic even on the 
Spacewalk's respective proxies.  The link  from 2016 is outdated (
https://www.redhat.com/archives/spacewalk-list/2016-May/msg00129.html) so 
here is some updated information.

NOTE:  Both Primary and failover have the SAME version of Spacewalk.  That 
is a requirement.  If you upgrade one, you must upgrade the other. 

First things First... Before installing the Spacewalk, I create the 
logical volumes/filesystems that I know have to be sync'd or replaced.. If 
you put these on SAN, NFS, Gluster, RedHat Storage, DFS, etc.. or need to 
instruct someone how to restore.. It is easy to say.. Look at the 
filesystems.. restore to there or unmount and remount.   No point of 
restoring the entire server or reinstalling the application, if you have a 
hot standby already.

Updated paths and sizing.
These paths get replaced or restored on the Failover server.

  "mount_path": "/etc/cobbler",   "size": "1"
  "mount_path": "/var/lib/cobbler",  "size": "1"
  "mount_path": "/var/log/cobbler",  "size": "1"
  "mount_path": "/var/log/httpd",  "size": "6"
  "mount_path": "/var/lib/jabberd/db",  "size": "1"  --> PREVENT jabberdb 
CORRUPTION and osad system re-registration
  "mount_path": "/etc/jabberd",  "size": "1"
  "mount_path": "/var/cache/rhn",  "size": "50"
  "mount_path": "/etc/rhn",  "size": "1"
  "mount_path": "/etc/httpd",  "size": "1"
  "mount_path": "/var/lib/rhn",  "size": "1"
  "mount_path": "/var/log/rhn",  "size": "3"
  "mount_path": "/var/log/tomcat6",  "size": "1"
  "mount_path": "/var/www",  "size": "1"
  "mount_path": "/usr/share/spacewalk",  "size": "1"
  "mount_path": "/etc/pki/spacewalk",  "size": "1"
  "mount_path": "/var/cache/rhn",  "size": "40"
  "mount_path": "/var/www",  "size": "5"
  "mount_path": "/var/satellite", "size": "500"

Do the following in this order:
        Primary (#'s below)
        Shutdown Spacewalk
        Restore /etc/hosts, /etc/sysconfig/network, hostname to the 
original   (Linux 7 /etc/hostname)
        Failover (#'s below)
                READ COMMENTS ABOUT DB..
        Shutdown Spacewalk 
        Restore /etc/hosts, /etc/sysconfig/network, hostname to the 
original  (Linux 7 /etc/hostname)
        Update /etc/hosts, /etc/sysconfig/network, hostname on the primary 
   (Linux 7 /etc/hostname)
        Startup Spacewalk

# update /etc/hosts, 1st line, needs to point IP address to  "  IP 
spacewalk.network.com spacewalk "
# update /etc/sysconfig/network with HOSTNAME=spacewalk.network.com   
(Linux 7 /etc/hostname)
# run hostname spacewalk.network.com
# log out and back in to pick up the changes.
WIPE THE DB!!!  ANSWER N if the DB already has schema!!!!!
## NOTE ---> I use external DB that has a failover.  That is not covered 
in this write-up... If you are going local DB.. Then ?? You will have to 
failover the DB section when configuring the Failover server.
# spacewalk-setup --disconnected --external-oracle

# vi /etc/rhn/rhn.conf
        Add the following and adjust accordingly for the Spacewalk
        server.satellite.http_proxy = my_proxy:my_port
        disconnected=0  <----- THIS IS TO SUPPORT ISS
        # The following overrides the defaults in 
        product_name = THIS IS MINE
        java.custom_header = THIS IS MINE
        java.config_file_edit_size = 128
        web.maximum_config_file_size = 1048576
        maximum_config_file_size = 1048576
        web.default_mail_from = MINE <root at spacewalk.network.com>
        # this setting determines web session timeout, 
        web.session_cookie_lifetime = 28800
        web.session_database_lifetime = 28800

        #BUG FIX: Increase rhn-search 
        rhn-search.java.maxmemory = 2048
        #BUG FIX: Increase java heap size and logging: 
        # /usr/bin/taskomaticd, processes the config files and flags for 
        taskomatic.java.maxmemory=12288  #If you have this much RAM
        #taskomatic.logfile.loglevel = DEBUG# legal note to be displayed 
on the login page
        # (join long lines with \, HTML is okay to use)
        java.legal_note = YOU HAVE REACHED........
        # The number of days to wait to hear from a system before warning 
that it is not checking in.
        #web.system_checkin_threshold = 5

#vi /var/lib/rhn/rhn-satellite-prep/satellite-local-rules.conf 
(/var/lib/rhn is on a Filesystem)
#vi /etc/sysconfig/tomcat6
        #Increase java heap size and logging: 
        Modify Xmx to Xmx16384m  #If you have this much RAM
        Modify Xms to Xms2048m 
#vi  /etc/httpd/conf.d/zz-mine.conf
        #Increase http Timeout: https://access.redhat.com/solutions/109993
        Timeout 600 
#Move configs from /etc/sysconfig and snippets to SAN, DFS, etc, to 
support failover
        mkdir -p /somedirectory/spacewalk/configs (owned by root:root)
        mv /etc/sysconfig/tomcat6  /somedirectory/spacewalk/configs
        mv /etc/sysconfig/osa-dispatcher  /somedirectory/spacewalk/configs
        mv /etc/rhn/rhn.conf  /somedirectory/spacewalk/configs
        ln -s  /somedirectory/spacewalk/configs/tomcat6 
        ln -s  /somedirectory/spacewalk/configs/osa-dispatcher 
        ln -s  /somedirectory/spacewalk/configs/rhn.conf /etc/rhn/rhn.conf
        mkdir -p /somedirectory/spacewalk/snippets/
        mv /var/lib/rhn/kickstarts/snippets/1 
/somedirectory/spacewalk/snippets/  --> If this fails, mkdir -p 
        mv /var/lib/rhn/kickstarts/snippets/2 
/somedirectory/spacewalk/snippets/ --> If this fails, mkdir -p 
        ln -s  /somedirectory/spacewalk/snippets/1 
        ln -s /somedirectory/spacewalk/snippets/2 
#vi /etc/logrotate.d/httpd by adding the following. 
        #FIX ME
        rotate 4

#Unable to share all of the code... chkconfig --add ; chkconf on ... 
/systemctl enable ... 
#Lots of these snippets of code are functions.. I use the same init 
scripts on Spacewalks and the proxies.
# vi /etc/int.d/MYSpacewalk

   #Disable the spacewalk components... DO NOT want them to start up 
because this script takes care of it ALL.
    if [[ "$rhn_product" == "spacewalk" ]]; then
        for spaceservice in $($rhn_cmd list |grep "4:" |awk '{print $1}'); 
            $rhn_cmd disable $spaceservice
    elif [[ "$rhn_product" == "proxy" ]]; then
        for proxy_apps in squid httpd jabberd; do
            chkconfig $proxy_apps off

  #Check if server has spacewalk.network.com
  serverinf_ip=$(ip route get 1 | awk '{print $NF;exit}' |tr -d '\n')
  for cname_ip in $(/usr/bin/host $spacecname|grep address|awk -F" address 
" '{print $2}'); do
 # If the server has the DNS alias  spacewalk.network.com
      check_update_files -> which does the following
        # validate or update /etc/hosts, 1st line, needs to point IP 
address to   " IP spacewalk.network.com spacewalk "
        sed and echo here
        # validate or update /etc/sysconfig/network with HOSTNAME=
spacewalk.network.com   (Linux 7 /etc/hostname)
                sed -i "s/^HOSTNAME=.*/HOSTNAME=$what_I_AM_LOOKINGFOR/" 
        # run hostname spacewalk.network.com
    #check to see if it is already running
                spacewalk-service restart
                spacewalk-service start
        check_update_files -> which also does the following
        # validate or update /etc/hosts, 1st line, needs to point IP 
address to  " IP  primaryhost/failoverhost.network.com 
primaryhost/failoverhost "
        sed and echo here
        # validate or update /etc/sysconfig/network with HOSTNAME=
                sed -i "s/^HOSTNAME=.*/HOSTNAME=$what_I_AM_LOOKINGFOR/" 
/etc/sysconfig/network    (Linux 7 /etc/hostname)
        # run hostname primaryhost/failoverhost.network.com 
     #If not already stopped
                spacewalk-service stop

        check_update_files (from above)
         #If not already stopped
                spacewalk-service stop
- Thanks and good luck

From:   ericb at enrsystems.com
To:     spacewalk-list at redhat.com
Date:   02/17/2017 02:15 PM
Subject:        [Spacewalk-list] Building Spacewalk With a DNS Alias for 
Sent by:        spacewalk-list-bounces at redhat.com

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if opening attachments or clicking on links.

I have a current running Spacewalk Server, and a 2nd Failover server.  The 

current configuration is quite painful to failover. 

I'm currently standing up a new server on 2.6.  The server's real fqdn is 
primaryhost.network.com, and the failover is failoverhost.network.com.  I 
a DNS alias of spacewalk.network.com that is currently pointing at the 
same IP 
as primaryhost.network.com.  I want to install it using the DNS alias.  I 
can't change the "real" hostname.

How can I run this with dual hostnames, and have Spacewalk use the the 
especially for cert creation, etc.

The logic being that bringing the failover online should be much easier, 
restore the backups to the failover and swing DNS to have the Alias point 
the IP of the failover server.

Thoughts?  Am I crazy?  I feel like this should work.

Spacewalk-list mailing list
Spacewalk-list at redhat.com


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