[Spacewalk-list] Discrepancy between Spacewalk SCAP and oscap scans

Wilkinson, Matthew MatthewWilkinson at alliantenergy.com
Fri Jun 9 16:52:33 UTC 2017

I'm trying to figure out why there is a discrepancy between when I run an
OpenSCAP scan on Spacewalk GUI vs. on the command line with oscap.
For example, I ran the stig-rhel7-server-upstream scan on the oscap command
line and output to an HTML file and got this:

Rule results

Scoring System                Score       Max   Percent
urn:xccdf:scoring:default     71.911179   100.0 71.91%

Pass: 73 Fail: 98 Not checked: 9

Severity of failed rules

Low: 37 Medium: 56 High: 5

But when I run the same exact scan using Spacewalk I get:

Compliance: 41% Pass: 73 Fail: 98 Not checked: 9

Anyone know why this is?

Matthew Wilkinson | Lead Server Administrator, Unix
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