[Spacewalk-list] Error accessing database -- no updates

Thomas Schweikle tschweikle at gmail.com
Tue May 30 08:50:34 UTC 2017

2017-05-29 12:50 GMT+02:00 Michael Mraka <michael.mraka at redhat.com>:
> Thomas Schweikle:
>> I am finding errors like:
>> 12:52:39 (99999, 'FEHLER:  password is required', "DETAIL:
>> Non-superusers must provide a password in the connection
>> string.\nCONTEXT:  SQL-Anweisung \xc2\xbbSELECT
>> dblink_connect('at_conn', 'dbname=' || current_database() || ' port='
>> || coalesce(inet_server_port(), '5432'))\xc2\xab\nPL/pgSQL-Funktion
>> pg_dblink_exec(character varying) Zeile 6 bei PERFORM\nSQL-Anweisung
>> \xc2\xbbSELECT pg_dblink_exec(\n                'insert into
> ...
>> while executing "/usr/bin/spacewalk-repo-sync -c <channel-label> -t yum
>> Nothing is added or removed from the database. Any idea what is going
>> wrong here? Looks like a password is missing, but this is given
>> within /etc/rhn/rhn.conf.
>> Bug within?
> Sounds similar to
> https://www.redhat.com/archives/spacewalk-list/2016-February/msg00058.html

I thought about this before and added superuser privilege to my
"rhnuser". Solved some of the errors seen, but not all:

< 2017-05-30 06:24:26.761 CEST > LOG:  Anweisung:
                    delete from rhnPackageFileDeleteQueue where path =

< 2017-05-30 06:24:26.761 CEST > FEHLER:  aktuelle Transaktion wurde
abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriert
< 2017-05-30 06:24:26.761 CEST > ANWEISUNG:
                    delete from rhnPackageFileDeleteQueue where path =

< 2017-05-30 06:24:27.387 CEST > LOG:  Anweisung: SELECT "password"
FROM "authreg" WHERE "username" = 'osad-7ae17c6866' AND "realm" = ''
< 2017-05-30 06:24:27.409 CEST > LOG:  Anweisung: SELECT "password"
FROM "authreg" WHERE "username" = 'osad-7ae17c6866' AND "realm" = ''
< 2017-05-30 06:24:27.410 CEST > LOG:  Anweisung: SELECT "password"
FROM "authreg" WHERE "username" = 'osad-7ae17c6866' AND "realm" = ''
< 2017-05-30 06:24:27.411 CEST > LOG:  Anweisung: SELECT * FROM
"active" WHERE "collection-owner" =
'osad-7ae17c6866 at spacewalk-dmz.bfs.de' ORDER BY "object-sequence";
< 2017-05-30 06:24:27.412 CEST > LOG:  Anweisung: SELECT * FROM
"roster-items" WHERE "collection-owner" =
'osad-7ae17c6866 at spacewalk-dmz.bfs.de' ORDER BY "object-sequence";
< 2017-05-30 06:24:27.442 CEST > LOG:  Anweisung: SELECT * FROM
"roster-groups" WHERE "collection-owner" =
'osad-7ae17c6866 at spacewalk-dmz.bfs.de' ORDER BY "object-sequence";
< 2017-05-30 06:24:27.443 CEST > LOG:  Anweisung: SELECT * FROM
"privacy-items" WHERE "collection-owner" =
'osad-7ae17c6866 at spacewalk-dmz.bfs.de' ORDER BY "object-sequence";
< 2017-05-30 06:24:27.443 CEST > LOG:  Anweisung: SELECT * FROM
"privacy-default" WHERE "collection-owner" =
'osad-7ae17c6866 at spacewalk-dmz.bfs.de' ORDER BY "object-sequence";
< 2017-05-30 06:24:27.443 CEST > LOG:  Anweisung: SELECT * FROM
"vacation-settings" WHERE "collection-owner" =
'osad-7ae17c6866 at spacewalk-dmz.bfs.de' ORDER BY "object-sequence";
< 2017-05-30 06:24:27.444 CEST > LOG:  Anweisung: SELECT * FROM
"status" WHERE "collection-owner" =
'osad-7ae17c6866 at spacewalk-dmz.bfs.de' ORDER BY "object-sequence";
< 2017-05-30 06:24:27.444 CEST > LOG:  Anweisung: BEGIN;
< 2017-05-30 06:24:27.444 CEST > LOG:  Anweisung: SET TRANSACTION
< 2017-05-30 06:24:27.444 CEST > LOG:  Anweisung: DELETE FROM "status"
WHERE "collection-owner" = 'osad-7ae17c6866 at spacewalk-dmz.bfs.de';
< 2017-05-30 06:24:27.445 CEST > LOG:  Anweisung: INSERT INTO "status"
( "collection-owner", "object-sequence", "status", "show",
"last-login", "xml", "last-logout" ) VALUES (
'osad-7ae17c6866 at spacewalk-dmz.bfs.de', nextval('object-sequence'),
'online', '', '1496118267', 'NAD<route
from=''c2s'' to=''spacewalk-dmz.bfs.de''><presence
sc:c2s=''9''></presence></route>', '1496118192' );
< 2017-05-30 06:24:27.445 CEST > LOG:  Anweisung: COMMIT;

After "delete from" pgsql reports an erroneous command -- seems like
"delete from" failed. I'm unsure if this is something fatal or
something intended, since spacewalk seems to run as expected.


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