[zanata-devel] Changes to Maven profiles for integration tests

Alex Eng aeng at redhat.com
Thu Feb 5 03:04:22 UTC 2015

Another thing I found, if I got $JBOSS_HOME in my path, it will use that jboss to run functional test.


Alex Eng 
Senior Software Engineer 
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean Flanigan" <sflaniga at redhat.com>
To: "zanata-devel" <zanata-devel at redhat.com>
Sent: Thursday, 5 February, 2015 12:09:02 PM
Subject: [zanata-devel] Changes to Maven profiles for integration tests

Hi all,

I have been trying to rationalise the profiles and properties we use
when running integration tests, both Arquillian and Selenium.  Both
types of tests now use Cargo to download and install the appserver, with
a choice of WildFly or EAP 6 (*not* zanata-server.zip).

Overall, I think it is simpler to use, but you will probably need to
change the profiles and properties you use when building and testing
Zanata via Maven.

By default, our Maven build will now run integration tests (all
Arquillian tests and the Selenium smoke tests, ie BATs) when you run
`mvn verify` or `mvn install`.  (Previously functional tests only ran if
you set `-Dfunctional-test`.)

However, due to limitations in Maven 3.0's profile activation, it
doesn't reliably default to WildFly 8 as it should.  (So, you have to
use `mvn verify -Dappserver=wildfly8`, not just `mvn verify`.)

Short version:

For wildfly (recommended for development):

mvn verify -Dappserver=wildfly8 # DO NOT specify cargo.installation or
                                # cargo.basename (unless experimenting)

For EAP (recommended for production, and release testing):

mvn verify -Dappserver=jbosseap6 # you must also specify
                                 # cargo.installation URL
                                 # and matching cargo.basename

For neither (skip all integration tests):

mvn verify -DskipArqTests -DskipFuncTests

If you don't need to build the jars/wars, you can still just use:

mvn test # compile and run unit tests only

You should remove these options from your Maven commands:

-Dinclude.test.patterns (still works, but use -DallFuncTests if you want
to run all tests)
-Dcargo.installation (unless using jbosseap6)
-Darquillian.jboss.home (obsolete; cargo downloads everything now)
-Dfunctional-test (obsolete; use -DskipFuncTests to disable functional
tests now)
-DnewCompiler (obsolete)

I have added this information to

Please let me know if I've missed anything!


Sean Flanigan

Senior Software Engineer
Engineering - Internationalisation
Red Hat

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