[zanata-users] CLI timeouts and errors

Mike McCune mmccune at redhat.com
Thu Sep 4 16:22:24 UTC 2014

We are trying to use zanata-cli to interact with our translations and 
are repeatedly getting timeout errors as shown below.  Are there steps 
we can take to alleviate this? It is blocking our ability to get our 
translations integrated into our project.

[walden at wraines-sandbox locale (update-translations)]$ zanata-cli pull 
-s . -t .
[INFO] Loading project config from zanata.xml
[INFO] Loading user config from /home/walden/.config/zanata.ini
[INFO] client API version: 3.3.1, server API version: 3.3.1
[INFO] Server: https://translate.zanata.org/zanata/
[INFO] Project: satellite6-foreman
[INFO] Version: 6.0
[INFO] Username: walden
[INFO] Project type: podir
[INFO] Enable modules: false
[INFO] Using ETag cache: true
[INFO] Purging ETag cache beforehand: false
[INFO] Locales to pull: [bn-IN(bn_IN), de-DE(de_DE), es-ES(es_ES), fr, 
gl, gu, hi, it, ja, kn, ko, mr, or, pa, pt-BR(pt_BR), ru, ta-IN(ta_IN), 
te, zh-Hans-CN(zh_Hans_CN), zh-Hant-TW(zh_Hant_TW)]
[INFO] Encode tab as \t: true
[INFO] Current directory: /home/walden/code/foreman/locale
[INFO] Pulling target documents (translations) only
[INFO] Target-language base directory (translations): .
[INFO] Create skeletons for untranslated messages/files: false
[INFO] Pulling 1 of 1 docs for this module from the server
This will overwrite/delete any existing translations in the above directory.

Are you sure (y/n)? y
[ERROR] Operation failed: operation returned 504 (Gateway Timeout): 
<html><body><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1>
The server didn't respond in time.
, uri: 
annotations: [@javax.ws.rs.GET(), 

     To retry from the last document, please set the following option(s):

         --from-doc "foreman"

[ERROR] Execution failed: operation returned 504 (Gateway Timeout): 
<html><body><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1>
The server didn't respond in time.
, uri: 
annotations: [@javax.ws.rs.GET(), 
[ERROR] Use -e/--errors for full stack trace (or when reporting bugs)
[walden at wraines-sandbox locale (update-translations)]$

Mike McCune
mmccune AT redhat.com
Red Hat Engineering       | Portland, OR
Systems Management        | 650-254-4248

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