[zanata-users] Translating HTML files

Robert Koch info at osmhydrant.org
Sun Dec 2 20:54:06 UTC 2018

I've uploaded two HTML documents for translation. However, when
downloading translated assets via Web-Interface or Zanata CLI (zanata
pull), I just get po files. How can I get the original HTML document
with translated strings?

I've found various possibilities, but I failed accomplishing my goal:

* Raw documents:

--> Failed as I don't understood how to retrieve the raw document.

* Zanata REST API: http://zanata.org/zanata-platform/rest-api-docs/

--> There is a
where {fileType} could be baked, half_baked or po. Sounds interesting -
however, how do I get this REST call running? "translate.zanata.org"
does not seem to be a valid endpoint.

* Localization Workflow:

--> "publican" seems to support doing something with PO-files and HTML -
but I failed to get something running.

* Documentation Internationalization:

--> Does generate HTML - can it be used for my use case?

Please guide me into right direction.

BR Robert

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