[zanata-users] Setting up Zanata with Docker

Kyle kyle at free2.ml
Wed Mar 7 22:29:18 UTC 2018

I'm trying to set up the Zanata Docker container, but I can't change the 
mail host. Apparently it's supposed to communicate with the smtp host 
via an internal IP, but I had it set to localhost, which isn't working. 
The only thing I found that should allow me to change the mail host is 
to edit /opt/jboss/wildfly/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml. The 
problem is that I can't edit the file externally, as my Docker container 
has 3 such files, and they're all under 
I tried editing the file from inside of the container, but neither bash 
nor vi will accept any keyboard input, even if I use
docker exec -t zanata /bin/bash
docker exec -t zanata /bin/vi
Is there another way I should be changing the mail host in the 
container, something like a web configuration or similar, or am I doing 
something else wrong when trying to edit the file inside of the 
container? Thanks for any help.
Imetumwa kutoka komputa yangu

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