[Fedora-users-br] Fwd: Smolt: Fedora Hardware Profiler

Gustavo Picoloto picoloto em gmail.com
Qua Jan 31 19:33:20 UTC 2007

Olá pessoal,

Acabei de ler um email que chegou na fedora-announce (que está
encaminhado abaixo) e estou repassando para a lista.

Trata-se de uma ferramenta para gerar estatísticas sobre o hardware e
configuracões utilizadas nas máquinas com Fedora e derivados e
considero interessante instalarmos esta ferramenta para que as
estatísticas dos usuários brasileiros sejam contabilizadas também.

O que acham?

Gustavo Picoloto

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath em fedoraproject.org>
Date: 31/01/2007 14:08
Subject: Smolt: Fedora Hardware Profiler
To: For users of Fedora <fedora-list em redhat.com>,
fedora-announce-list em redhat.com

Smolt is a hardware profiler for Fedora so we can get a better idea of
what type of hardware is out there in the Fedora universe.  It's still
in beta but those of you running FC6 or newer (rawhide) can

Just type "yum install smolt"  followed by "smoltSendProfile".  All
sends are anonymous and the only tie to hardware is via a UUID that
gets sent.  We can't trace the UUID back to you without you giving us
the UUID, which may be helpful for those experiencing hardware or
driver issues.

Check out the stats at http://smolt.fedoraproject.org/stats

For more information on smolt look at:



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Gustavo Picoloto, LPIC-1, SCSECA

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