[almighty] CLI Documentation

Max Rydahl Andersen manderse at redhat.com
Tue Aug 16 16:05:58 UTC 2016

On 15 Aug 2016, at 8:35, Thomas Mäder wrote:

> Hi folks,
> It has been requested that we document our command line interface. To 
> me, however it's not quite clear in what form we should do that: 
> technically, the cli is self-documenting. If you do "alm-cli --help", 
> it will give you a list of possible commands and options. The alm-cli 
> command is mentioned in the developer set up section on github. Do we 
> believe this is sufficient? What else is necessary?

The issue we got open is that the docs don't actually explain to you 
*how* to use it.

What I current see when running `alm-cli create --help` that does not 
actually tell me how to run this unless we expect users to know the json 

./bin/alm-cli create workitem --help                                     
Payload example:

    "fields": {
       "Maiores similique facere ipsa.": 0.7636827460427832
    "name": "Dicta numquam aut.",
    "type": "Expedita minima."

   alm-cli create workitem ["/api/workitem"] [flags]

       --content string   Request content type override, e.g. 
       --payload string   Request body encoded in JSON
       --pp               Pretty print response body

Global Flags:
       --dump               Dump HTTP request and response.
       --format string      Format used to create auth header or query 
from key (default "Bearer %s")
   -H, --host string        API hostname (default "almighty.io")
       --key string         API key used for authentication
   -s, --scheme string      Set the requests scheme
   -t, --timeout duration   Set the request timeout (default 20s)

So if I follow this I run:

```./bin/alm-cli create workitem --payload "{ "fields": { "Maiores 
similique facere ipsa.": 0.7636827460427832 }, "name": "Dicta numquam 
aut.", "type": "Expedita minima." }"

Error: failed to deserialize payload: invalid character 'f' looking for 
beginning of object key string
   alm-cli create workitem ["/api/workitem"] [flags]

       --content string   Request content type override, e.g. 
       --payload string   Request body encoded in JSON
       --pp               Pretty print response body

Global Flags:
       --dump               Dump HTTP request and response.
       --format string      Format used to create auth header or query 
from key (default "Bearer %s")
   -H, --host string        API hostname (default "almighty.io")
       --key string         API key used for authentication
   -s, --scheme string      Set the requests scheme
   -t, --timeout duration   Set the request timeout (default 20s)

failed to deserialize payload: invalid character 'f' looking for 
beginning of object key string%```

And thus I'm still not closer being able to run the cli as a new user.

Would be good we actually have a *working* example in the cli help 
output, or as minimum when we actually close of an issue for cli adds an 
example that can be run and then used for testing/verifying/playing with 
the cli.

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