[Avocado-devel] virttest missing under avocado-vt

srikanth sraithal at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Sep 16 10:24:59 UTC 2015


I have followed below procedure to setup avocado and avocado-VT.

Host OS: Fedora-22

1. Install avocado

sudo curl http://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/lmr/Autotest/repo/fedora-20/lmr-Autotest-fedora-20.repo -o /etc/yum.repos.d/autotest.repo
sudo yum update
sudo yum install avocado

2. Install avocado-vt
yum install avocado-plugins-vt
avocado vt-bootstrap --vt-type qemu
avocado plugins
Plugins enabled:
     config        Implements the avocado 'config' subcommand
     distro        Implements the avocado 'distro' subcommand
     exec_path     Implements the avocado 'exec-path' subcommand
     gdb           Run tests with GDB goodies enabled
     inner_runner  Allows the use of an intermediary inner test runner
     json          JSON output
     journal       Test journal
     multiplexer   Implements the avocado 'multiplex' subcommand
     plugins_list  Implements the avocado 'plugins' subcommand
     run_remote    Run tests on a remote machine
     run_vm        Run tests on a Virtual Machine
     sysinfo       Collect system information
     test_lister   Implements the avocado 'list' subcommand
     test_runner   Implements the avocado 'run' subcommand
     vt_bootstrap  Avocado VT - implements the 'vt-bootstrap' subcommand
     vt            Avocado VT - legacy virt-test support
     vt_lister     Avocado VT - implements legacy virt-test listing
     wrapper       Implements the '--wrapper' flag for the 'run' subcommand
     xunit         xUnit output

[srikanth at localhost avocado-vt]$ pwd
[srikanth at localhost avocado-vt]$ ls
backends  downloads  gpg  images  isos  steps_data  test-providers.d

Couple of queries:

1. I am not able to find virttest directory in 'avocado-vt'.
Specifically I am looking for vm_xml.py and hostdev.py files. Is this expected? Should I git clone 'avocado-vt' to those files?
2. When I run `avocado list --vt-type qemu` I see list of tests for qemu [without using sudo].
But same for libvirt returns below mentioned error.
[srikanth at localhost avocado-vt]$ avocado list --vt-type libvirt
Test discovery plugin <avocado.core.plugins.vt.VirtTestLoader object at 0x7f3f1c756450> failed: In order to use config vt.qemu.nettype 'bridge' you need to be root

Thanks in advance for your time :-)

Srikanth Aithal
Linux Technology Center, IBM

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