Other distros (was RE: Waxing Philosophical)

Donsbach, Jeff jeff.donsbach at hp.com
Mon Oct 4 14:51:24 UTC 2004

Allen Ziegenfus [listmail at allenz.net] wrote:
> It doesn't seem like constantly updating your packages results in

But, the point is your don't NEED to constantly upgrade. Sure, there
might be reasons why you want to upgrade certain packages, such as for
new features, or for security fixes which every distro has. But if what
you have works for you, why bother upgrading?

I am not sure about glic and having multiple versions of that on the
system (haven't really looked), but I know Gentoo has a way to have
multiple versions of applications installed. For instance, perl or
python will commonly have multiple versions installed because of
dependencies on certain versions which other packages have.

Jeff D

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