Yasr and DoubleTalk LT

Cheryl Homiak chomiak at charter.net
Mon Mar 15 03:42:02 UTC 2004

Hi Gilles.
I don't think it's  a security problem. Make sure, if you are using
/etc/yasr/yasr.conf, that the doubletalk line and the serial port line
are the only ones you have
uncommented. it may be that the yasr.conf came with certain lines
already uncommented by default. Also, I'm assuming that your doubletalk
actually is at
/dev/ttyS0. Finally, I've found that sometimes when I've made a change or
reinstalled either the source package from the yasr homepage or the debian
yasr, sometimes i have to log out and back in again for it to work.
I'm just making guesses; hope this helps. right now I'm using it primarily
with eflite but i have had it working with the external doubletalk.

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