More on Adding speakup to wheezy, Conditionally good news

Martin McCormick martin.m at
Wed Dec 14 04:11:28 UTC 2016

I didn't really have anything special on the newer pi so I
downloaded the jessie lite image, unzipped it and then used dd to
apply it to the SD card. In the past, after booting, I got the
startup script by using ssh to get to pi at 192.168.whatever. This
has been quite accessible and I tell it to use the whole drive
and set the time zone.

	This image is the one from November 25 and I can't ssh in
to anything there. Is there any idea what I need to do to it to
get it to come up via ssh?

	It does bring the wired ethernet interface to life but nothing
talks to me on ssh.
I even tried telnet and it immediately refused the connection so
it appears to have some sanity.

	I mounted the SD card on a Linux system after doing the
dd copy and it looks pretty normal. /boot presently is empty with
no config.txt file in it.

	The documentation on the raspberry pi web site says you
can do a headless install using the lite image. You just don't
get orca which is okay right now.


Jeffery Mewtamer <mewtamer at> writes:
> Stuttering speech is a known issue on the Raspberry Pi with stock ALSA
> and espeakup. You can Google the Raspberry VI website and mailing list
> for more information, but the owner of Raspberry VI has produced a
> fork of espeakup called piespeakup that bypasses the issues with the
> ALSA drivers by rendering speech using the Pi's GPU. Running Orca with
> a desktop still requires a dedicated sound adaptor, but piespeakup can
> give you working console speech from boot without stutter.

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