Sonar GNU/Linux merges with Vinux

Linux for blind general discussion blinux-list at
Sun Apr 23 23:25:11 UTC 2017

Le 24/04/2017 à 01:18, Linux for blind general discussion a écrit :
> I have no intention of going anywhere near a Windows PC unless I have
> to, but does the stable release of NVDA even manage to work well
> accross different Windows versions?

Yes. Latest NVDA work fine, better than any other screen reader, with XP
to 10.

> Though honestly, give me a text mode browser that lets me navigate
> like the page is a text file in nano and has the naviagation shortcuts
> Orca adds to Firefox, and I'd probably abandon the GUI altogether.

There we are in an expert topic. No one I know in the "basic" user want
a text environment. Even if I can understand, text mode is not
mainstream. So no, NVDA doesn't handle fine text tools, but it would
have interest for 1% of their users. It's a debate as complicated as
braille vs speech: each one is right, bkt for text mode topic, it's not
wanted by majority of people, despite benefits I admit and use myself.

And Orca and NVDA have similar bindings in Firefox, yes. And sincerely,
NVDA has a better behavior in many circumstances (just an example:
ctrl-left go back, NVDA goes to the link I've just clicked on, Orca at
the beginning of page, it's less convinient). All I hope is Orca,
someday, will be as performant as NVDA on Firefox. It is not today. Due
to Mozilla mess, let's hope we'll fix bugs.


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