[Container-tools] skydns long/short term strategy

Dusty Mabe dusty at dustymabe.com
Wed Sep 16 14:46:05 UTC 2015

We have noted recently that the need for a dns solution in kubernetes
in order to run some of our examples is a rather large speed bump in
learning to use the nulecule spec / atomicapp. If they had previous
kubernetes knowledge then it probably is not that big of an issue but
if they are learning this stuff for the first time it can be a much
bigger issue.

I talked with Clayton Coleman yesterday about this problem. The ultimate 
goal is to include the dns functionality as part of kube-proxy (see PR 
at [1]). However, this probably won't happen until the Kubernetes 1.2
timeframe sometime in Jan/Feb 2016. 

In the short term there are a few things we need to do. There is a
skydns rpm for Fedora [2] and we need to get that into CentOS as
well. Once that piece is in place I have hacked together some steps to
get it all working (until it is officially in kube-proxy) and we
should include this setup in the adb so that our users have a better

I'm going to start working on these pieces unless anyone has any

- Dusty

[1] https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/11599
[2] https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/?packages=golang-github-skynetservices-skydns

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