[et-mgmt-tools] No module named glib

Daniel P. Berrange berrange at redhat.com
Tue Oct 16 23:06:20 UTC 2007

On Tue, Oct 16, 2007 at 04:55:16PM -0600, Nick Couchman wrote:
> Hmm...so why doesn't using the "--no-dbus" option make a difference?  Also, 

Virt-manager exposes some of its external API via DBus, so that other 
desktop apps can control virt-manager's UI. The --no-dbus flag merely
disables this remote UI control ability. Virt-manager still needs DBus
to talk with HAL.

> would things be better if I go back to previous versions?

Not really, we've been using DBus since day 1.

Basically we made a conscious design decision to only support virt-manager
on the modern Linux desktop platform, which in practice means approximately
Fedora Core 6 vintage or later. There is a lot of development in the Linux
desktop arena & to get the best user interaction experiance we need to take
advtange of this. RHEL-4 just doesn't cut it as a viable desktop because it 
is frozen on a application stack more than 2 years old at this point. 

By all means run servers on RHEL-4, but for desktop applications something
more recent is a far better bet. NB, I know until recently you had to run
virt-manager on the same host as you are virtualizing, so if you're running
Xen on a RHEL-4 host I understand why you'd want to run virt-manager on
a RHEL-4 host. We are evolving to the point where virt-manager will be
run remotely for all operations - we're 50% there - you can manage existing
guests, but not create new guests at this time. 

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