consequences when a feature gets dropped (Re: FESCo Meeting Summary for 2008-09-17)

Jesse Keating jkeating at
Thu Sep 18 17:07:29 UTC 2008

On Thu, 2008-09-18 at 18:58 +0200, Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
> What exactly are the consequences if a Feature "will be dropped"? It 
> sounds a bit like a threat and as something bad. But is it really?
> What for example will happen if the owners of the feature GNOME2_24 
> don't update the page. Will rawhide switch back to Gnome 2.22? Won't 
> Gnome 2.24 be mentioned at all in the release notes? Will it not get any 
> QA? Will we stick to Gnome 2.24 in F11? Will Spot send his nijas (¹)?

Depends on the feature and the date.  Standard examples could be:

* enact the contingency plan
* go forward with the work, but don't advertise it as a feature in any
* get an exception from FESCo to land the feature late

It really varies from feature to feature and at what point the decision
is to made to remove it from the feature list.  It's a
discussion/decision that FESCo needs to make with the feature owner.

Jesse Keating
Fedora -- Freedom² is a feature!
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