mpg321 decision needed

Troy Dawson dawson at
Fri Jan 9 14:14:48 UTC 2004

Warren Togami wrote:
> I personally feel that removing mpg321 or crippling its functionality in 
> Legacy is not much of a loss, since the majority of Legacy users are 
> servers.  Maybe some businesses use Legacy for workstations, but think 
> of a broken MP3 decoder as productivity gain? =)

I have some problems with this attitude.
First, because many of our systems are NOT servers.  We have a very high 
percentage of experimentors that are running 7.3 on desktops.
Second, once you start walking down that path of 'servers only' then anything 
is fair game.  KDE will go out, alot of gnome too, shoot, eventually X since 
you don't really need X for web or mail servers.

Now, if we have license issues, that's fine.  I'll just find and/or make the 
patches elsewhere.  Though it would be good to have a list somewhere that says 
which one's we can't do because of this problem.
If we also don't feel the security problem is bad enough to warrent the time 
it takes, I have no problem there either.

I just don't wnat to see Fedora-legacy be for 'servers only'

Troy Dawson  dawson at  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/CSS  CSI Group

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