yum and rpm updates for 8.0

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at earthlink.net
Fri Jan 30 00:42:23 UTC 2004

Eric Rostetter said:
> It isn't.  It is optional, and only for RH 8/9, not for RH 7.x.
> End of discussion (didn't I already say that???)

Please jump in if I'm confused on something:

The (optional) RPM upgrade for RH 8 would reequire upgrading to Yum 2.x. 
I believe that yum 1.x and 2.x can use the same repos, so that's OK.  Now,
does everyone want to support yum 1.x for the RH 8 people that don't
upgrade and yum 2.x for the people that do?

William Hooper

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