Core packages are using %config for files being installed under /usr

Laurent Rineau laurent.rineau__fedora_extras at
Fri Mar 2 10:49:59 UTC 2007

On Friday 02 March 2007 11:36:46 Axel Thimm wrote:
> Nice work. I could probably pick the US anthem and add as much of my
> own wording/interpretation in it to make it sound like a Taliban
> mainfest or vice versa. I really like the part where you suggest that
> the FHS "doesn't mean what they write".

*I* mean that your reading o the FHS is too strict. How could a /usr partition 
be read-only during a yum update, for example?

A read-only partition, in my understanding, and i my personal practices, is 
read-only BUT during installation/upgrade/re-configuration, that is during 
any administration stage.

> And just what on earth does the "omitted next sentence" about "Large
> software packages" not being allowed to deviate from the FHS layout
> like X11 once did have to do with anything in this thread at all? :)

I agree: X11 as nothing to do with the current thread.

> The FHS' wording and intentions are clear.

I still agree. The FHS wording is clear, but your interpretation seems strange 
to me.

Please, do you personally have read-only partitions on your machines? How 
could you administrate them without remounting them read-write temporarily?

Laurent Rineau

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