[Fedora-trans-ja] Re: About FedoraXenQuickstartFC5

Stephen C. Tweedie sct @ redhat.com
2006年 6月 6日 (火) 15:42:05 UTC


On Tue, 2006-06-06 at 13:43 +1000, Noriko Mizumoto wrote:

> Could you kindly consider if those changes are acceptable?

Thank you very much for your effort here!

> Typo: Under Hints section,
> "Q: I am trying to start *then xend service and nothing happens, then 
> when I do a `xm list1 I get the following:"
> * 'then' doubled, it should read "I am trying to start xend service and 
> then nothing happens,"

That looks like a typo, yes; I think the word "the" was mis-typed
"then", and it should read "I am trying to start the xend service".

I have made this change in the wiki.

> Suggestion: Under Automatically Loading Domains On Startup section,
> "Note that the /etc/init.d/xendomains script is broken with respect to 
> its use of the LSB init functions."
> * This is hard to translate. Is it possible to rephrase something like 
> "Note that the etc/init.d/xendomains script does not comply with the LSB 
> standard."?

Actually, that loses accuracy; it _does_ comply, but it manages to be
incompatible with the rest of the initscripts precisely because of its
attempt to comply with LSB!  This is in bugzilla:


I'll try to fix the problem underlying this hint, and I'll then be able
to remove this section from the wiki entirely.

Thank again,

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