[K12OSN] K12LTSP status

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at gmail.com
Fri Jul 23 20:54:49 UTC 2010

On 7/23/2010 3:09 PM, Joseph Bishay wrote:
> Allo,
> I used K12LTSP for years and it was rock solid.  I ended up moving to
> K12Linux because of the additional features that were available by
> using a more "cutting-edge" distribution, specifically graphics,
> boot-up speed, desktops, etc.  I guess my question is, would all that
> be available still with CentOS 6 (I use it on at least 5 other servers
> so I know it's pretty awesome, but that's with respect to servers, not
> workstations for kids in a school).

The problem is that CentOS 6 doesn't exist yet.  When it does, it should 
be close to fedora 13 and even closer to the Red Hat beta 6 that you 
could preview now: http://www.redhat.com/rhel/beta/

  I've got a problem now where we have an nvidia Ion machine that won't
> work with anything but the most up-to-date distribution (and even that
> is still not automatic but requires quite a few steps to get it to
> work) -- how would that be affected by moving to CentOS?
> Other things like Firefox versions, OO.org, etc?

The enterprise versions usually release with fairly current software but 
the updates are just bug/security fixes from then on.  With CentOS 5, 
Firefox and OO were exceptions, getting major version updates after the 

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com

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