[redhat-lspp] LSPP Development Telecon 10/16/2006 Minutes

Paul Moore paul.moore at hp.com
Thu Oct 19 18:34:32 UTC 2006

Venkat Yekkirala wrote:
>>I'm glad to see there is still discussion going on over on 
>>the SELinux list
>>involving the secid patches but I'm a little concerned that 
>>there has not been
>>any real discussion about how to handle flow control while 
>>staying within the
>>constraints outlined above?  Venkat, is this something that 
>>has already been
>>taken into account and will appear in the next patch set?
> I can not guarantee that. I believe James' hesitation mainly
> comes from the fact that there are people confused out there.

Okay, I guess we will just have to wait and see; I'm afarid this is still going
to meet with disapproval but hopefully not.  Just an FYI: once you post your
updated patches I'm going to wait until James has had a chance to look them over
before I respin the whole patchset and post to netdev (this also assumes the
policy issues are squared away as well).

> Once people are confused no more, they will have to take it
> up with James (while watching out for you though :))
> since James DID ack this approach once in the past and seems to
> have since backed out mainly (from my POV) because of the prevailing
> confusion coming mainly from you and Joshua.

Venkat, please don't mistake my concerns as confusion.

paul moore
linux security @ hp

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