[rhn-users] Update software through up2date - Problems

Johan Holst Nielsen - Print2People ApS jhn at print2people.com
Tue May 31 16:37:09 UTC 2005

Clinton Fernandes wrote:
> I have run into this problem several times: what package does a given binary
> belong to?

Yeah :( Sometimes the rpm system is annoying.

> I never found a satisfactory way of answering this question. But you may get
> lucky by searching the redhat site knowledgebase for the file you are looking
> for. If you're lucky there will be an answer that will mention the package in it.

I will try to search more broad. Anyway - can it be a package that is 
needed for the elfutilities - and then elfutilities report an error when 
the new rpm version is tried to install. (I'm used to Debian where I 
never had those problems - but there is just a lot of annoying problems 
with hardware support ;))

> Or try the same with google.
> Alternatively, maybe the elfutils package you have installed needs to be updated...?

Tried that - according the to the package search on rhn it is in the 
latest available version :(


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