[Spacewalk-list] E: The repository 'spacewalk://spacewalk channels: Release' does not have a Release file. || Please HELP (Spacewalk 2.6 and Ubuntu 1604)

Luis Lopez luis.lopez at ableto.com
Tue Jan 9 16:06:06 UTC 2018

Hi there,

No matter what I do, for some reason the spacewalk server won't let the
releases be detected.

I've used pretty much the only guide around:

And to release/sign the packages I went with secureApt.sh from here:

The error keeps telling me that the repository is insecure and that it
can't find the Release.

*# cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spacewalk.listdeb spacewalk://spacewalk
channels: main# rhn-channel --listubuntu_1604_lts_xenial*
*# ls /etc/apt/*
*apt.conf.d  preferences.d  sources.list.bak  sources.list.d
sources.list.save  trusted.gpg  trusted.gpg~  trusted.gpg.d*
*# apt update*
*Apt-Spacewalk: Updating sources.list*
*WARNING:root:could not open file '/etc/apt/sources.list'*

*Ign:1 spacewalk://spacewalk.dev.ableto.com
<http://spacewalk.dev.ableto.com> channels: InRelease*
*Err:2 spacewalk://spacewalk.dev.ableto.com
<http://spacewalk.dev.ableto.com> channels: Release*
*  404  Not Found*
*Hit:3 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu
<http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu> xenial InRelease*
*Reading package lists... Done*
*E: The repository 'spacewalk://spacewalk.dev.ableto.com
<http://spacewalk.dev.ableto.com> channels: Release' does not have a
Release file.*
*N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is
therefore disabled by default.*
*N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user
configuration details.*


*# ls /var/cache/rhn/*

repodata/ reposync/ satsync/

*# ls /var/cache/rhn/repodata/ubuntu_1604_lts_xenial*

Packages  Packages.gz  Release  Release.gpg



*# cat /var/cache/rhn/repodata/ubuntu_1604_lts_xenial/Release*

Origin: Ubuntu

Label: Ubuntu

Suite: ubuntu_1604_lts_xenial

Version: 010818

Codename: ubuntu_1604_lts_xenial

Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2018 20:44:49 +0000

Architectures: amd64

Components: repodata

Description: Ubuntu ubuntu_1604_lts_xenial 010818


  MD5HASH 6833993 repodata/binary-amd64/Packages

  MD5HASH 1352969 repodata/binary-amd64/Packages.gz

  MD5HASH 6833993 repodata/binary-i386/Packages

  MD5HASH 1352969 repodata/binary-i386/Packages.gz


 SHA256_HASH 6833993 repodata/binary-amd64/Packages

 SHA256_HASH 1352969 repodata/binary-amd64/Packages.gz

 SHA256_HASH 6833993 repodata/binary-i386/Packages

 SHA256_HASH 1352969 repodata/binary-i386/Packages.gz

I used this script to sign and release:

*# cat apt.sh*



*# Creates the Release and Release.gpg files for APT repo*

*# based on Packages and Packages.gz files*

*# The created files make the repo a "signed" repo*

*# Changed Input for independent distributions and made a loop for all

*if [ "$1" = "" -o "$2" = "" ]; then echo "Usage: secureApt.sh DISTNAME


*for I in $( ls -d $WOR_DIR/$1* )*


* DATE=`date "+%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"`*

* GPG_PASS='password'*

* HEADER="Origin: Ubuntu*

* Label: Ubuntu*

* Suite: $1*

* Version: $2*

* Codename: $1*

* Date: ${DATE}*

* Architectures: amd64*

* Components: repodata*

* Description: Ubuntu $1 $2*

* MD5Sum:"*

* PACKAGES_MD5=($(md5sum $I/Packages))*

* PACKAGES_SIZE=$(stat -c%s $I/Packages)*

* PACKAGESGZ_MD5=($(md5sum $I/Packages.gz))*

* PACKAGESGZ_SIZE=$(stat -c%s $I/Packages.gz)*

* PACKAGES_SHA256=($(sha256sum $I/Packages))*

* PACKAGESGZ_SHA256=($(sha256sum $I/Packages.gz))*

* # write Release file with MD5s*

* rm -rf $I/Release*

* echo -e "${HEADER}" > $I/Release*

* echo -e "
${PACKAGES_MD5}\t${PACKAGES_SIZE}\trepodata/binary-amd64/Packages" >>

* echo -e "
>> $I/Release*

* echo -e "
${PACKAGES_MD5}\t${PACKAGES_SIZE}\trepodata/binary-i386/Packages" >>

* echo -e "
${PACKAGESGZ_MD5}\t${PACKAGESGZ_SIZE}\trepodata/binary-i386/Packages.gz" >>

* echo -e "SHA256:" >> $I/Release*

* echo -e "
${PACKAGES_SHA256}\t${PACKAGES_SIZE}\trepodata/binary-amd64/Packages" >>

* echo -e "
>> $I/Release*

* echo -e "
${PACKAGES_SHA256}\t${PACKAGES_SIZE}\trepodata/binary-i386/Packages" >>

* echo -e "
>> $I/Release*

* # write the signature for Release file*

* rm -rf $I/Release.gpg*

* echo $GPG_PASS | gpg --armor --detach-sign -o $I/Release.gpg --batch
--no-tty --passphrase-fd 0 --sign $I/Release*


Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!


Luis Lopez



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It may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or otherwise 
protected from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended 
recipient, any dissemination, distribution, copying, or use of this 
information is strictly prohibited, and you should destroy this 
communication without making copies or further transmitting. *
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